Find a Rabbit Vet in Metairie Here
Owning and caring for a rabbit is a different experience from owning and caring for a cat or dog. When it’s time for a checkup for your special furry friend, bring them to the Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital of Louisiana. If you’re looking for a rabbit vet in Metairie, or a vet for any kind of exotic pet, Dr. Gregory Rich and his associate, Dr. Leslie Pence are the ones to see. He exclusively cares for rabbits, reptiles, ferrets, parrots, and more in Metairie, as well as other parts of the Greater New Orleans metropolitan area. The Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital of Louisiana has a variety of services available to suit your pet’s needs, from checkups, to 24-hour emergency care. To start your rabbit’s life on the right foot, or any other exotic pet, please come and see us soon.
What Our Rabbit Vet in Metairie Treats
As a rabbit vet in Metairie, Dr. Rich and Dr. Pence treat many common problems with rabbits, including:
- Dental disease, with symptoms such as teeth grinding and not wanting to eat
- Intestinal diseases, with symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, having a rough coat, and more
- Infectious diseases, which can include abscesses, pneumonia, reproductive tract infections, and many more
- Ear mites, where your rabbit will continually scratch at the ears and shake their head a lot
- Skin mites, which look like specks in your rabbit’s fur and can come with dandruff
- Pasteurella infection, which is commonly known as snuffles, with symptoms such as watery and yellow nasal discharge, and loud snoring
- E. Cuniculi, where your rabbit may have a head tilt, a severe postural imbalance, urinary incontinence, and/or eye disease
Contact Us for Bird Care in Metairie
The Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital of Louisiana also provides the following services for rabbits and all exotic pets:
- Preventative medical care, where they are checked over to make sure they’re healthy
- Boarding, with each species having their own area to stay in that suits their needs
- Hospitalization, where we have an avian and exotic pet friendly ICU
- Medical and surgical care, where we provide many procedures and help them to recover
- In-house diagnostic testing with blood chemistry profiles, Complete Blood Counts, video endoscopy, digital x-rays, and ultrasounds
- 24-hour emergency service, where we take on highly critical cases
If you’re interested in bringing your rabbit to the Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital of Louisiana, contact us at (504) 455-6386 for an appointment.